Public Sector Archives - ROJO-Studio
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The project scope involved accommodation of 14no of mixed types dwelling units. The site consisted of several derelict buildings that required to be demolished. Our intention was to provide a new, high-quality development that retained the style of the existing Ferrybank character. It is an infill...

The development consists of five new terraced houses at Ardmore Park, Waterford City. It consists of 3no of 2-bed units and 3no of 1-bed units, which are wheelchair user compliant. The objective was to deliver quality accommodation for the residents, and through our design approach,...

Located in the centre of Waterford Culture Quarter at 32 O'Connell Street This project Consultants: Conservation: Pádraig Murray, B.Arch. FRIAI, RIBA, HFAIA & Tom Finnegan MRIAI Services: Douglas Carroll Consulting Engineers Contractor: Suirside Ltd ...

The brief for ‘Rojo-Studio Architects’ was to design two new office buildings; the restoration of the historic Hennebrique building; the design of a multi-storey car park; the train station; a pedestrian bridge; new roads layout; public realm green areas; all of which was to be...

In 2012/13, we were two of the three architects on the Waterford City & County Council team responsible for the design of the Waterford Medieval Museum. To date, the building has received seven national and international architecture awards and we are very happy that we...

ROJO – Studio was recently commissioned to design an extension to the side of Menapia building & The House of Waterford Crystal Visitor Center. The extension was to accommodate a new kitchen and a Cafe at the ground floor of the visitor center. Having previously worked...